Spa Manicure
The "Spa Manicure" treatment offers a complete and luxurious care for elegant and well-groomed hands. It begins with an aromatic and relaxing hand bath to soften the skin and prepare the nails. The nails are then trimmed, filed, and the cuticles are gently pushed back for a neat appearance.
An exfoliating scrub is applied to remove dead skin cells and revitalize the skin, followed by a moisturizing and nourishing mask to bring softness and radiance. Finally, a hand massage with a rich, hydrating cream is performed, providing a feeling of relaxation and well-being.
The result is perfectly groomed, soft, and revitalized hands, ideal for any occasion.Russian manicure
Russian manicure, or dry manicure, is distinguished by its treatment of cuticles without soaking in water or using oily products. It employs an electric cuticle cutter with diamond tips to completely remove the cuticles, thus freeing up space and naturally extending the nail by a few millimeters. This method makes the regrowth of cuticles less visible than in a traditional manicure.Manicure + Application of Semi-Permanent Nail Polish
La manucure russe, ou manucure sèche, se distingue par son traitement des cuticules sans trempage dans l'eau ni produits huileux. Elle utilise un coupe-cuticules électrique avec des pointes en diamant pour enlever complètement les cuticules, libérant ainsi de l'espace et allongeant l'ongle naturellement de quelques millimètres. Cette méthode rend la repousse des cuticules moins visible que dans une manucure classique.