Sie sind nicht sicher, welche Art von Behandlung oder Beratung Sie wählen sollen?
Sie sind sich nicht sicher, welche Behandlung oder Beratung Sie aus unserem Angebot wählen sollen? Keine Sorge, unser ganzheitlich heilender Ayurveda-Meistertherapeut und Hauttherapeut hat alles für Sie.
Sie können unsere Therapeuten für 60, 90 Minuten oder 2 Stunden buchen - wir lernen Sie kennen und beurteilen Ihre Gesundheit und Haut vor Ort nach Ihren Bedürfnissen und wählen intuitiv die Methoden und unsere selbstentwickelte Backbar nach Ihren ganz individuellen Bedürfnissen aus.Shirodhara - Nervous System Reset
If you're seeking a natural way to relieve stress, anxiety, headaches, or sleep issues, Shirodhara offers a deeply nurturing solution that balances and rejuvenates your nervous system, with proven effectiveness backed by scientific research.
Shirodhara has been shown to significantly reduce cortisol levels, the primary stress hormone, helping to alleviate anxiety and promote a state of deep relaxation. Scientific studies have confirmed its ability to improve sleep quality and duration, making it an excellent remedy for insomnia and other sleep disorders.
It enhances cognitive function, mental clarity, and hormonal balance, contributing to overall emotional well-being. Our Shirodhara session includes a soothing head and shoulder massage, the gentle pouring of warm, medicated oil on your forehead, and a calming facial massage, all designed to deeply relax and rejuvenate your nervous system.
Experience the profound relaxation and holistic benefits of Shirodharaone of Ayurveda's signature therapies.Abhyanga & Shiroabhyanga Body & Head Massage
Experience the blissful rejuvenation of Abhyanga Massage, a traditional Ayurvedic therapy known for its profound healing and relaxation benefits. This full-body massage is performed with warm organic herbal oils selected specifically for your unique constitution and actual state of health, allowing for a deeply nourishing and therapeutic experience.
In Ayurveda, Abhyanga is considered one of the most important pillars for maintaining health. It is a rejuvenating treatment that helps strengthen the tissues, improve circulation, promote vitality, reduce toxins, alleviate stress, and much more.
Our Abhyanga & Shiroabyhanga treatment can be the ultimate holistic therapy for relaxation & mental calmness and is one of the signature therapies of traditional Ayurveda. During the Abhyanga Massage, gentle pressure using long, rhythmic strokes that cover the entire body. The warm herbal oils penetrate deeply into the skin, revitalising the body and balancing the doshas. This holistic massage not only promotes physical well-being but also provides a sense of mental and emotional harmony.