Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Détermination de vos besoins
Bilan visage avec OBSERV
Starting at 59 CHF
Bilan Minceur avec la balance impédance Séca
Starting at 39 CHF
Présentation et essai LIGHTINDERM
Starting at 59 CHF
Bilan + Test de peau Laser
Starting at 59 CHF
CORPS - Massage minceur méthode by Catherine Cerezo
Massage Minceur By Catherine CEREZO
Starting at 195 CHF
DERMADROP Haut des bras "nouveauté"
Starting at 50 CHF
DERMADROP Ventre "nouveauté"
Starting at 50 CHF
DERMADROP Cuisses "nouveauté"
Starting at 60 CHF
CORPS - Méthode Renata França, Madérothérapie, Manuela Shala
Miracle Face - Renata França
Starting at 95 CHF
Drainage Lymphatique - Renata França
Starting at 175 CHF
Massage Remodelage Corps - Renata França
Starting at 175 CHF
Massage Relaxant - Renata França
Starting at 175 CHF
Miracle Touch - Renata França
Starting at 175 CHF
Mon Massage Renata adapté à mes besoins
Starting at 175 CHF
Massage Renata combiné avec un Belly Massage
Starting at 255 CHF
Drainage lymphatique Renata França avec Madérothérapie
Starting at 255 CHF
Belly Massage
Starting at 175 CHF
Manuela Shala Jambes
Starting at 202 CHF
Manuela Shala Ventre
Starting at 202 CHF
Manuela Shala Bras
Starting at 162 CHF
Drainage Renata by Jade
Starting at 100 CHF
Remodelage Renata by Jade
Starting at 100 CHF
Miracle Face Renata by Jade
Starting at 60 CHF
CORPS - Les technologies pour sublimer les résultats
Endosphères 3ème génération pour remodeler le corps
Starting at 175 CHF
Endosphères Therapy pour remodeler le corps
Starting at 155 CHF
T-SHAPE 2 pour traiter la cellulite
Starting at 260 CHF
T-SHAPE 1 pour traiter la cellulite en zone ciblé
Starting at 180 CHF
TeslaMed corps pour corriger les marques du temps
Starting at 200 CHF
Morpheus corps 1 zone pour raffermir
Starting at 650 CHF
Cellum6 LPG pour affiner la silhouette
Starting at 135 CHF
Emsculpt pour tonifier
Starting at 300 CHF
Bodysculptor Excel+ pour drainer
Starting at 90 CHF
T-Shock 31 Détox pour éliminer la rétention d'eau
Starting at 180 CHF
CORPS - Massage signature By Catherine Cerezo
Massage signature Bronze
Starting at 70 CHF
Massage signature Silver
Starting at 75 CHF
Massage signature Gold
Starting at 80 CHF
Massage signature ASCA
Starting at 180 CHF
Massage Signature Platinium
Starting at 250 CHF
Massage signature femme enceinte silver
Starting at 150 CHF
Massage signature femme enceinte gold
Starting at 160 CHF
Massage Signature Corps Emotions GOLD
Starting at 160 CHF
Massage enfants
Starting at 40 CHF
Gommage corps Olivier Claire
Starting at 240 CHF
Massage Signature Pierres Chaudes Silver
Starting at 210 CHF
Massage Signature Pierres Chaudes GOLD
Starting at 240 CHF
CORPS - Les massages duo pour partager ce moment ensemble
Soins en Duo Silver (prix/pers)
Starting at 75 CHF
Soins DUO PRESTIGE Silver/ pers
Starting at 95 CHF
Soins en Duo Gold (prix/pers)
Starting at 80 CHF
Soins en DUO Bronze
Starting at 140 CHF
Starting at 100 CHF
VISAGE - Soins fascialiste by Catherine Cerezo
Lifting visage signature - Méthode by Catherine Cerezo
Starting at 100 CHF
Starting at 230 CHF
Neuromusculaire Intrabuccal
Starting at 155 CHF
Face lifting signature champion du monde
Starting at 125 CHF
Extreme Lift
Starting at 490 CHF
VISAGE - Nos soins visage personnalisés signature
Soin signature des yeux
Starting at 115 CHF
Soin signature des lèvres
Starting at 115 CHF
Soin signature visage personnalisé
Starting at 200 CHF
DERMADROP BioBTX - Visage premium
Starting at 230 CHF
Hydrafacial Signature
Starting at 260 CHF
Hydrafacial Deluxe
Starting at 360 CHF
Hydrafacial corps
Starting at 260 CHF
VISAGE - Les technologies pour sublimer les résultats
Morpheus 8 pour raffermir
Starting at 650 CHF
TeslaMed pour corriger les impefections et les signes du temps "nouveauté"
Starting at 200 CHF
DERMADROP BioBTX - Visage premium "nouveauté"
Starting at 230 CHF
DERMADROP Visage Complet "nouveauté"
Starting at 80 CHF
Microneedling pour dynamiser la peau
Starting at 240 CHF
Microneedeling avec Exosomes
Starting at 500 CHF
Endosphères Visage pour sculpter
Starting at 95 CHF
Traitement Acide Glycolique pour unifier et révéler votre teint
Starting at 130 CHF
Endermolift CelluM6
Starting at 90 CHF
Réhaussement De Cils
Starting at 85 CHF
Teinture + Épilation Sourcils
Starting at 65 CHF
Teinture (cils et/ou sourcils)
Starting at 40 CHF
Lèvres au fil
Starting at 30 CHF
Sourcils au Fil
Starting at 40 CHF
Visage au Fil
Starting at 80 CHF
Bilan + Test de peau Laser
Starting at 0 CHF
Laser Demi-Jambes
Starting at 299 CHF
Laser Cuisses
Starting at 299 CHF
Laser Jambes Complètes
Starting at 589 CHF
Laser Bikini
Starting at 135 CHF
Laser Avant-bras
Starting at 199 CHF
Laser Bras Complets
Starting at 299 CHF
Laser Aisselles
Starting at 125 CHF
Laser Lèvre Supérieure
Starting at 59 CHF
Laser Visage
Starting at 129 CHF
Laser Mains ou Pieds
Starting at 59 CHF
Laser Demi-jambes
Starting at 299 CHF
Laser Jambes Complètes
Starting at 589 CHF
Laser Avant-bras
Starting at 199 CHF
Laser Bras complets
Starting at 299 CHF
Laser Aisselles
Starting at 125 CHF
Laser Épaules
Starting at 110 CHF
Laser Torse ou ventre
Starting at 190 CHF
Laser Haut du dos
Starting at 270 CHF
Laser Dos Complet
Starting at 430 CHF
Laser Torse + Ventre
Starting at 360 CHF
Laser Mains ou Pieds
Starting at 59 CHF
Cire Demi-Jambes
Starting at 60 CHF
Cire Cuisses
Starting at 60 CHF
Cire Jambes Complètes
Starting at 85 CHF
Cire Bikini (au choix)
Starting at 45 CHF
Cire Aisselles
Starting at 45 CHF
Cire Avant-Bras
Starting at 50 CHF
Cire Bras Complets
Starting at 55 CHF
Cire Lèvre Supérieure
Starting at 30 CHF
Cire Sourcils
Starting at 35 CHF
Cire Visage
Starting at 50 CHF
Pack A: Demi-Jambes + Bikini Classique + Aisselles
Starting at 115 CHF
Pack B: Demi-Jambes + Bikini Brésilien + Aisselles
Starting at 155 CHF
Pack C: Jambes Complètes + Bikini Brésilien + Aisselles
Starting at 185 CHF
Cire Demi-jambes
Starting at 60 CHF
Cire Jambes complètes
Starting at 90 CHF
Cire Avant-bras
Starting at 50 CHF
Cire Bras Complets
Starting at 60 CHF
Cire Aisselles
Starting at 45 CHF
Cire Torse ou Ventre
Starting at 60 CHF
Cire Epaules
Starting at 45 CHF
Cire Dos Complet
Starting at 85 CHF
Cire Sourcils
Starting at 30 CHF
Cire Oreilles ou Nez
Starting at 30 CHF
Cire Mains ou Pieds
Starting at 20 CHF
PACK A : Torse + Ventre
Starting at 100 CHF
PACK B : Dos + Epaules
Starting at 100 CHF
PACK C : Nez + Oreilles + Sourcils
Starting at 60 CHF
Drainage Ranta França by Jade
Starting at 100 CHF
Remodelage Renata França by Jade
Starting at 100 CHF
Miracle Face Renata França by Jade
Starting at 60 CHF
Massage Signature de Jade
Starting at 45 CHF
Epilation à la cire - Demi-Jambes
Starting at 40 CHF
Epilation à la cire - Aisselles
Starting at 30 CHF
Epilation à la cire - Avant-Bras
Starting at 30 CHF
Starting at 79 CHF
Bilan visage avec OBSERV
Starting at 59 CHFBilan Minceur avec la balance impédance Séca
Starting at 39 CHFPrésentation et essai LIGHTINDERM
Starting at 59 CHFBilan + Test de peau Laser
Starting at 59 CHFMonday - Friday | 07:30 - 19:30 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 17:30 |
Sunday | Closed |
Rue Adrien-Lachenal 13 CH-1207 Genève | |
+41 76 432 41 61 | |
Open web page | |
Open Facebook | |
Open Instagram |
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Cet établissement est exceptionnel et les thérapeutes sont extraordinaires, très attentifs, professionnels et les soins et le lieu sont d’une qualité comme on ne trouve plus. je recommande cet endroit les yeux fermés